

次の日本文に合うように( )内の語を適する形にしてください。

(1) 私のおじさんは10年オーストラリアに住んでいます。

   My uncle (live) in Ausralia for ten years.

(2) 昨夜私が彼女に電話をしたとき、彼女はお風呂に入っていました。

   She (have) a bath when I (call) her last night.

(3) 1たす1はいつも2ではありません。

   One plus one (be) not always two.

(4) 明日の今頃はテレビでサッカーの試合を見ているだろう。

   I (watch) a soccer game on TV at this time tomorrow.

次の英文が同じような内容を表すように( )内に適する語を入れてください。

(1) They began talking two hours ago, and are still talking now.

   They ( )( )( ) for two hours.

(2) I remember swimming in this river.

   I remeber ( )( ) in this river.

(3) It is seven years since my father died.

   My father ( )( )( ) for seven years.

次の( )に入る適する語句を〔 〕から選んでください。

(1) We ( ) each other for a year by the next week.

   〔will know, will have known, have known, had known〕

(2) The professor showed us some fossils he ( ) in Canada.

   〔found, has found, had found, was found〕

(3) Will you tell me as soon as the flower ( )?

   〔blooms, will bloom, bloomed, has bloomed〕
