

次の( )内から適する語を選んでください。

(1) Are these bags (your, his, her, us)?

(2) He bought a house last week, and painted (it, its, it's) door green.

(3) I think (each,some, all) of them has a talent for business.

(4) Mark had to solve the problem by (him, himself, he).

次の英文が同じ内容になるように( )に適する語を入れてください。

(1)They drove for two hours to get to the lake.

  ( ) took ( ) two hours to drive to the lake.

(2) Mary didn't say anything about it.

   Marry said ( ) about it.

(3) Is he going to be absent from the ceremony today?

   Is he going to absent ( ) from the ceremony today?

次の日本文に合うように( )内の語を並べかえてください。

(1) 私と彼女は幼なじみだったのです。

   (grew, and, together, she, up, I)

(2) 彼は2つの店を経営しています。一軒は東京にあり、もう一軒は名古屋にあります。

   He runs two shops. (is, is, in, in, and, the,Tokyo, Nagoya, one, other)

(3) 先週はあれやこれやで忙しかったのです。

   (with, and, that, I, busy, this, was) last week.
