

次の( )内の単語を必要に応じて適する形に変えてください。

(1) Meg swam the (fast) of all the students.

(2) Her mother is much (well) today than yesterday.

(3) My uncle looked as (fine) as ever.

(4) Is this the (easy) of the two golf courses?

(5) My son is the (late) boy to do such a thing.

次の英文が同じ内容を表すように( )に適する語を入れてください。

(1) His ball is not so fast as mine.

   His ball is ( )( ) mine.

(2) It was a mountain rather than a hill.

   It was not ( )( ) a hill as a mountain.

(3) Thomas is five years younger than I.

   Thomas is five years ( ) to me.

(4) To watch a comedy show is the most enjoyable.

   ( ) is ( ) enjoyable than to watch a comedy show.


(1) 高い所に行けば行くほど、酸素が少なくなる。

   (oxygen, the, go, more, you, the, decreases, up, higher).

(2) その大スターの家は私の家からたったの2軒しか離れていなかった。

   (away, mine, two, from, doors, than, was, no, the sperstar's house, more).

(3) 観光客が少ないからこそ私はますますその島に行きたいのです。

   (to the island, to, I, more, all, want, because, the, go) there are few tourists there.
