
ここでは if を使わない仮定法など、慣用的な仮定法表現を取り上げます。

but for

◆「もしも~がなければ」という意味で常に否定の仮定を表します。If it were not for などの表現に置き換えることもできます。

But for his cooperation, this concept would go down the drain.

= If it were not for his cooperation, this concept would go down the drain.

go down the drain 水泡に帰す(お流れになる)

But for the villagers' fierce objections, the goverment would have constructed an atomic power plant there.

= If had not been for the villagers' fierce objections, the goverment would have constructed an atomic power plant there.

※ If had not been for 「~がなかったら」という意味で、過去の事実の反対を述べます。

with, without

◆ with の後に名詞(句)を付けることによって、「~があれば」の意味で仮定の英文を作ることができます。全体の文脈から、仮定法になっているか、また、現在なのか過去の話なのかを考えます。

With much money, I would treat you.

= If I had much money, I would treat you.

With a little more practice, you could have hit his ball.

If you had practiced a little more, you could have hit his ball.

◆ without では「~がなければ」の意味で but for と同じような表現ができます。

Without a long-term guarantee, I would never buy a personal computer.

= If it were not for a long-term guarantee, I would never buy a personal computer.

long-term 長期の

suppose, supposing

◆ suppose は、動詞として、もともと「~だと思う」というような意味がありますが、これも主語を取った形で慣用的に仮定法の一つの表現として使われています。

Suppose he were a genius, you must have invented something useful by now.

◆ supposing としても使い方は同じです。

Supposing you meet a bear in the woods, what will you do?

※ この類型には、他に provided, granted, given などもあります。


◆ to不定詞の句が条件を表す場合があります。

To talk with him, you will find him very coward.

= If you talk with him, you will find him very coward.



Coming here yesterday, I might have been able to see the mysterious animal.

= If I had come here yester, I might have been able to see the mysterious animal.



A true hero would never run away first.