◆「~しなさい」のような、一般の命令文においての転換では、伝達動詞として主に次のようなものが使われ、被伝達部は to不定詞の形で表されます。
advise, ask, beg, command, order, request, tell
My doctor said to me, “Do light exercises every day.”
My doctor advised me to do light exercises every day.
She said to her husband, “Will you take out the garbage?”
She asked her husband to take out the garbage.
◆ Let's の英文では、特には propose や suggest などが使われ、被伝達部はthat節になります。
My boyfriend said to me, “Let's go to see the latest movie.”
My boyfriend suggested (that) we (should) go to see the latest movie.”
The town councilor said , “Let's vitalize the farming industries of this town.”
The town councilor proposed (that) we (should) vitalize the farming industries of this town.
farming industries 農業