
関係副詞である when, where, how に ever が付いた whenever, wherever, however を複合関係副詞と呼び、副詞節になる文を作ります。

whyever は、一般的にはあまり使われていないようです。


◆ 「いつ~しようとも」のような意味で譲歩を表します。

Whenever a disater occures, they can rush immediately at the scene.

= No matter when a disater occures, they can rush immediately at the scene.

◆ 「~するときはいつでも」のような意味で「時」を表します。

I leave my children unattended whenever they are out of control.

= I leave my children unattended at any time when they are out of control.

leave 人 unattended 人を放ったらかしにする


◆ 「どこで~しようとも」のような意味で譲歩を表します。

Wherever I tried to get away, the suspicious man chased after me.

= No matter where I tried to get away, the suspicious man chased after me.

◆ 「~するところならどこでも」のような意味で「場所」を表します。

Without regard to cost, he goes wherever there is a beautiful woman.

= Without regard to cost, he goes to any place where there is a beautiful woman.

Without regard to ~にこだわることなく


◆ 「どのように~しても」のような意味で譲歩を表します。

However I asked him for an explanation, he never spoke a word.

= By whatever means I asked him for an explanation, he never spoke a word.

◆ however の直後に形容詞や副詞がきて、「どんなに~しようとも」のような意味で譲歩を表します。

However high you try to jump, you can't defy gravity.

= No matter how high you try to jump, you can't defy gravity.

defy gravity 重力に逆らう