

次の( )に最も適する関係副詞を入れてください。

(1) This is ( ) I was absent from work yesterday.

(2) This is ( ) I earned much money easily.

(3) Do you know the country ( ) the author was born?

(4) Monday is ( ) I feel down.

次の日本文に合うように( )内の単語を正しく並べてください。

(1) どんなにその練習がつらくてもさぼるべきではない。

(is, not, hard, you, should, the practice, however) skip it.

(2) どこにいようとも、いつでもインターネットで情報を得ることができる。

(where, can, matter, we, we, no, always, are) get information from internet.

(3) なけなしのお金で彼は世界中を旅行した。

He traveled around the world (money, what, had, little, with, he).

次の英文が同じ内容を表すように( )に適する単語を入れてください。

(1) I went to see Mr.Miller at ten in the morning, when he was still in bed.

   I went to see Mr.Miller at ten in the morning, ( )( ) he was still in bed.

(2) Are you going to donate what money you have?

   Are you going to donate ( )( ) money you have?

(3) We finally found the waterfall, where we had a swim.

   We finally found the waterfall, ( )( ) we had a swim.
