

次の( )内に最も適する語を下から選んでください。

(1) She said ( ) to me then.

(2) This dog ( ) obeys my order.

(3) We have ( ) beer here.

(4) I didn't know ( ) of them.

(5) He is ( ) a lawyer nor a doctor.

[no, nothing, nobody, none, not, neither, either, never]

次の英文が同じ意味になるよう( )内に適する語を入れてください。

(1) He was an man like a devil.

   He was a devil ( ) a man.

(2) No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

   ( ) knows what will happen tomorrow?   

次の日本文に合うように( )内の単語を並べかえてください。

(1) ぼくの同級生がプロ野球選手になったのは驚きだ。

   (of, the, become, classmates, has, one, that, my, fact) a professional baseball player is surprising.

(2) 正義がいつも勝つとは限らない。

   (does, always, justice, prevail, not)

(3) 彼女は30歳になって初めて恋におちた。

   (she, until, thirty, that, not, it, was, was) that she first fell in love.

(4) アンは仕事への行き帰りに大雨にあった。

   Ann was caught in a heavy rain (work, on, and, to, her, from, way).
