

次の( )内から最も適する語を選んでください。

(1) If you were my girlfriend, I (will, would) take you to my private beach.

(2) I wish you (can, could) stay with me much longer.

(3) If this painting (is, will be, were) valuable, the man wouldn't have given it to you.

(4) Many people might have fallen victim if the plane (crashed, have crashe, had crashed) into a residential area.

(5) If we had left home earier, we (were, will be, would be, had been) swimming in the sea now.

次の英文が同じ内容になるよう( )内に適する語を入れてください。

(1) Please meet as many people as possible, and your knowledge will increase.

   Your knowledge will increase ( )( ) meet as many people as possible.

(2) You must go to bed right now, Tom.

   It's time you ( ) to bed, Tom.

(3) I'm sorry I couldn't win the election.

   I wish I ( )( )( ) the election.

(4) But for this medicine, my son would have been dead soon.

   If it ( )( )( ) this medicine, my son would have been dead soon.   

次の日本文に合うように( )内の単語を並べかえてください。

(1) 彼女が歌うのを聞けば、もっと気持ちが安らぐだろう。

(feel, sing, you, to, her, hear, would) much better.

(2) 僕が君だったら、試合の前には緊張するだろう。

(nervous, you, I, get, were, would, I) before matches.

(3) 原爆が日本に落とされなかったら、戦争は終わらなかったのでしょうか。

(been, the atomic bombs, finished, hadn't, dropped, wouldn't, the war, if, have) on Japan?
