

次の( )内の単語を適する形にしてください。

(1) What is the language (speak) in the province?

(2) I didn't mean to keep you (wait) so long.

(3) (see) her mother, Mariko began to cry loudly.

(4) Do you know any songs (sing) in Russian?

次の英文が同じ内容を表すように( )に適する語を入れてください。

(1) Mari continued to ignore him for a week.

   Mari ( ) ( ) him for a week.

(2) As he had practiced a lot, Takeshi could get a goal in the game.

   ( ) ( ) a lot, Takeshi could get a goal in the game.

(3) If we judge from the situation, she seems to be one of the victims.

   ( ) ( ) the situation, she seems to be one of the victims.

次の英文を日本文に合うように( )内の単語を並べかえてください。

(1) 警察は床に多量の血が飛び散っているのを見つけた。

The police (large amount, on, found, blood, the floor, of, splattered).

(2) 向こうで手を振って微笑んでいる女の子がぼくの彼女です。

(the, girl, waving, smiling, over there, her hand) is my girlfriend.

(3) お腹が空いていなかったので私たちは朝食を食べずに出かけました。

(without, we, being, having, not, went out, hungry )breakfast.
